
Cloud Data Security, Privacy, Access Control

MySoftCloud, MySoftCloud.com, MySoftCloud Cloud is about maintaining the Security, Privacy, Access and Control of your information, data, documents, and other identifying information. MySoftCloud's Intellectual Property and Proprietary Technology provides a Secure Domain of Privacy Secure Root System where node's of authenticated, authorized, and access controlled entities ( Users, Cloud Systems, etc.) store, control, and operate upon a standardized and self describing secure encrypted private data that is decentralized. The self-describing personal private data dependencies are wrapped in a recursive encrypted data structure which flows across the nodes in the MySoftCloud Network, and MySoftCloud partners. As the secure data arrives at each node in the network, the respective dependent data that needs to be operated on by the node has a reference a decentralized repository.

The self-describing data of access control dependencies and the operating nodes have a secure reference to the referenced repositories. The referenced repositories receive the encrypted private data where upon it use's the operating nodes secure access reference to its own repository and ensures approved temporal secure access sharing agreements that are established between the secure chains of owner entities. If approved access sharing agreements exist, then the operating repository returns to the secure requestor a unique root first initialized and registered entity of an operating node data structure that has allows shared access of encrypted data filled into a placeholder of an owner approved entity that is authorized to have access to your personal private date which can be revoked based on a time that may be immediate or span a temporal range.